Monday, March 23, 2015

Repentance - Watching Movies in March 2015

This will be my last movie blog for the month for sure.

Repentance: Someone brought this movie to my attention a while back and it finally showed up on Netflix recently. I didn’t like it really. I’m not really into Forest Whitaker movies, seems like he’s always playing a crazy character. I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone, psst.

Scenic Route: This was one of those movies that show after you watch a movie, which was Repentance. I clicked up and fell asleep before it started but I started watching it from like the 30 minute mark or so. It was mostly just two guys, stuck in the desert, talking.  A lot of dialogue basically. It had the feeling for one of those movies that where everything is good in the beginning then everything just goes to shit. The ending was the best part of the movie. Besides that, this movie needed to be crumbled up and pitch in the nearest trash can, asap.  


In the end, they made it were they guy with the Mohawk didn’t know if in reality or dreaming that he was back with his family or not. It kind of just ended up that so I don’t know if he was just tripping or if they were still lying out in the desert half dead.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: I thought this movie was pretty cool because it came from the video game Tomb Raider. The movie wasn’t too bad. I don’t remember watching it when it first came out but it was pretty good.

October Baby: A friend of mine really dug this movie and it had her emotional so I decided to check it out. Didn’t read the description to the movie. In the beginning a automatically assumed there would main character would die or something like that but the movie was nothing like that. It was actually a decent movie.  

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