Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Something You Should Know About Me

I’m one of those people that need to be refreshed on things from time to time. The way people act, I think they could use a refresher from time to time also.

3 of my biggest pet peeves are being ignored, lying on me and lying to me. Another pet peeve of mine, I hate being told what to do. These are my triggers that get me every time. I’m trying to work on my reaction to these things but ehh, it’s not working out too well.

I may not know everything or catch everything but I do pay attention. You’d be surprised the things people don’t say that you hear when they speak and in a lot of cases, when they don’t speak. A lie by omission is still a lie.

When I give you my time, don’t take it for granted or think it’s some kind of silly game. I’m borrowing the time I have on the world and I’m not trying to waste it on someone else. If my presence is not good enough, all I ask is for you to not wait until I’ve given you my time for you to let it be known. Get your ass up and move on. I can’t get that time back, EVER.

Gave up a long time ago trying to impress folks or keep their attention. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 5 times, I don’t know how to be anyone else but ME. I’m loved by some, lame to others, “who is he” to the rest, whatever I may be to you, I am who I am.

Last year around this time, I was in my feelings something serious. Not saying that I’m not in my feelings now but things are going to work a little differently this time around. Not going to get all bummed out and be overwhelmed when the people I feel I’m down with start acting funny. Psst, nope, this time, I’m going to get my ass up and walk to the exit. Sure, I won’t slam the door on the way out. I still have some respect for some of you.

My Birthday is coming up, I don’t expect anyone to do anything for it. What I do expect is if you’re going to fix your mouth to promise me something for my birthday, DO IT. No more excuses. I don’t care if something comes up, if you have to work, busy, kids, bullshit or more bullshit. I’m not fucking with you if you don’t keep you word. That’s my promise to you untrustworthy people.

This is my refresher on what you should know about me. I’m out.

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