Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pokemon - Watching Movies in October 2014

Came across Pokemon on Netflix one day and was like, why not. I know it used to come on TV all the time in the late 90s but I never really got too much into it. It has over 50 episodes in season 1 and 2. Don’t think I’ll be able to watch them all. Made it through season 1 but it took about 2 months for to watch them all.

There’s a lot of interesting Pokemon. The songs at the end of each show are in my head. I still don’t know all the words and pokemon in the song.

My Pokemon team would have Charmander,


 and Mankey.

 Can’t remember the others. I’m not sure if I like Pokemon or not? I guess it’s not bad but t’s not really my thing. 

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