Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Walking Dead - Watching Movies in October 2014

Watched Season 4 of The Walking Dead. It was pretty good but I watched it too fast or it wasn’t long enough. That’s ok, the new season has started so I can get my fix.


Although there is a lot of blood and killing, there were some disturbing scenes this season. The first one was when they killed Hershal. Damn, why he have to die that way? The other part was when the little girl got bitten by the zombie that came out of the mud. Whom ever wrote this season was showing out.

Another scene that really disturbed me was the one when the crazy little girl killed her little sister. Then Carol shot the little girl. That part made me feel some kind of way.


Overall, this was a good season. This show is addicting and I don’t know why. Maggie is still looking good along with the new lesbian chick. Just thought I’d share that with you.

There’s something spooky and exciting about an abandoned town. I’d be too afraid to roam through one, let alone go through a house on my own.

I’m not sure how I would survive if there were a zombie apocalypse? All the death and killing going on, crazy people and just having to always watch your back, that’s enough to drive someone insane.    

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pokemon - Watching Movies in October 2014

Came across Pokemon on Netflix one day and was like, why not. I know it used to come on TV all the time in the late 90s but I never really got too much into it. It has over 50 episodes in season 1 and 2. Don’t think I’ll be able to watch them all. Made it through season 1 but it took about 2 months for to watch them all.

There’s a lot of interesting Pokemon. The songs at the end of each show are in my head. I still don’t know all the words and pokemon in the song.

My Pokemon team would have Charmander,


 and Mankey.

 Can’t remember the others. I’m not sure if I like Pokemon or not? I guess it’s not bad but t’s not really my thing. 

Chick Magnet - Watching Movies in October 2014

Watched this earlier in the month so it’s not fresh on my mind. There were 3 guys that got ahold if this shirt that made women get extra horny and aggressive for whomever wearing the shirt.

If it doesn’t work on a chick, it means she is in love with you or something like that. Couldn’t’ find a good picture of the shirt but it was a bogus.

I’m not sure if I could handle that much aggression by a woman, let alone a bunch of women at the same time. I’d try the shirt out just to see it work but it's nothing something I'd want to do all the time.

This movie was basically a movie about a guy’s fantasy to have any women want to have sex with him. It was ok but not really.   

Friday, October 24, 2014

Annie - Watching Movies in October 2014

It’s been many moons since I’ve watching Annie. It seems like this movie was on TV all the time when I was a kid. I think I watched it so much as a kid that I got burnt out on it.

It’s actually a pretty good positive movie. Lots of singing, smiling and kids being kids.

If I were looking to adopt an orphan, I would most definitely have choosing Annie. Her good spirit could change people along with myself.

Miss Hannigan was a hot in the ass mess. Annie is a movie that every kid should see at least once during their childhood.

Arrow - Season 2

Got a message from Netflix saying Season 2 of Arrow had arrived. I was excited, had forgotten all about Arrow. I flew through the whole season.

This season is really good. They sure know how to make you all anxious to see the next episode. Good thing you can watch each episode back to back with no commercials. The storyline was awesome. It switches between the past and present.

Not too thrilled for the season to come to an end just yet. I can’t talk about Arrow without mentioning Felicity Smoak. I dig everything about her, from to her personality to her look. Where are the Felicitys at?

Thinking about buying me a bow and some arrows one day. I think Archery would be something interesting to learn. Bought a bow some years ago but it was one of those small ones for kids. I can’t do anything with that.

Overall, Arrow is a good series. Never was a big DC Comics fan but there are some interesting characters in the DC world. Seems like DC Comics and Marvel Comics have similar characters.