Monday, June 1, 2015

Randomness in June 2015

It has been a year since I started setting goals each month. It’s been up and down with me and getting those goals finished. Glad I started doing them but I still have some kinks to get out if I want to be able to knock any goal out when I set it.

 I dropped 76 blogs within the past year, that’s an average of about 6.5 blogs per month. That’s pretty good when I think about it. It took me a minute to get back into writing and posting but it worked out. The notebook I started a couple of months ago, I wanted to have finished by I think it was August but that’s not going happen. Haven’t really written anything in it for the past month. Going to keep writing in it when I get a chance and have something to write.

Let me see what else. Going to keep setting goals going each month. Continue to blog and I want to do some videos or audio, Haven’t gotten around to that. For a minute I was doing some videos on my phone but haven’t posted anything. Going to have to learn how to edit and add stuff like music and clips to a video.

I’ve been on the fence about my anti-relationshipism blogs, one minute I wanted to write them monthly then I didn’t want to write them at all. Felt like I was putting too much of my business out there. I guess it’s no different than any other blog I write. I doubt I stop writing them but it probably won’t be monthly.

Still want to type up another fantasy of mine that I wrote on paper years ago. Also want to start working on writing about Whack Statuses that I’ve save over the years. Seems like I have a lot of ideas or topics to write about that I haven’t yet.

I don’t really know what’s going to happen but I’ll know for sure a year from now if I’m writing. When it comes to blogging, I guess as long as I’m being true to myself and saying what truly feel, it is what it is. Whether I write it or not, I can at least say that’s what I was feeling in that moment. I’m not really looking for a reaction or response (unless I ask a question) when I write anymore. I don’t even really think anyone but a couple of people are reading my blogs and those couple of people are only reading some of my blogs.

On that note, may I drop the realest shits I’ve ever posted for the next year and beyond.  Along with being consisted and creative plus some more shit. I’m blabbing and I’m out……. 

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