Thursday, January 8, 2015

In Your Eyes - Watching Movies in January 2015

In Your Eyes: this was one of those movies that I randomly choose to watch before I went to bed. Turned it on and got all into it. Had to turn it off about halfway through the movie so I could go to bed.

What I liked about this movie is the two main characters were telepathically connected and could see through one another eyes. They could even feel what the other person felt; mentally and physically. That would pretty cool to be able to connect to someone else that way. I’d want to able to turn it off when I wanted to.

I can’t leave out that the main chick in the movie was a cutie.

I gave this movie 5 stars for creativity. It was mostly just two people talking to each other. It’s cool when you talk to someone about the past and that person knows exactly what you’re talking about because they were there but in this case, they could feel it when it was happening.

This was an interesting movie to me. Probably more on the chick flick side. Had a lot more to say about this movie but those thoughts are kind of gone now. I know I was going to get more into the telepathy stuff but oh well.


  1. Movies, movies, movies! I just watched Belle--- pretty good movie. It's a movie based on actual events about a mixed woman during slavery days who was brought up in "high society". I enjoyed it. What else have you watched recently???

    1. da fuq is wrong with this place, this is my third attempt to reply.....grrr......Is Belle a new movie? On DVD?? I'll be posting at least 4 more movies that I've watch this month, stay tuned.

  2. Belle was released in 2014. It's on DVD already. I'll be watching for your next ones.
