Thursday, January 22, 2015

Anti-Relationshipism January 2015

Brought 2015 in with an attitude towards “relationships”. It annoys me when I tell someone that I’m not interested in a relationship and they act like they don’t hear me. Maybe I’m not going about it the right way?

I mean, if you want a relationship, why put the cooch in my face before I tell you I want to be with you? If I take you up on your offer, that doesn’t mean all of sudden I now want a relationship with you?

I told you from the jump what I didn’t want one and now you want to bring the relationship up again after sex. What made you think I changed my mind?

After sex, NOW you’re aware of what I said and want to act different. Be on some “you ain’t man so why does it matter” type of shit. Or “you don’t want to be with me or care for me so it shouldn’t bother you”. You should’ve said and acted that way from the jump. People ain’t shit I tell you. Always want something just because they gave you something OR trying to manipulate you into giving them something.

When did I become the target of manipulation and when did y’all think that bullshit was working on ME??? Do I come across that slow? Mugs are greedy and arrogant as hell these days. When do these people give unconditionally? If sex=relationship to you, say that shit from the jump and keep your legs closed. That’s some ass backwards as shit. Are men really falling for that??

Even when sex is not involved, people come with hidden agendas anymore. They bait you in thinking they can “change” you into that person they’ve always wanted.

 WHAT? Try getting to know a person, foremost. It makes no sense to screw over good people in your silly ass quest to make someone ONLY WANT YOU. Try being yourself and let people choose to like you or want you or want to be with you naturally, instead trying to convince folks with mind games and fuckery.   

These days, you almost have to have a fuck it kind of attitude if you’re single and not looking. As soon as you show someone any kind of act of kindness, they catch feelings. You can’t even have a good conversation or good time without them wanting you to give them your “undivided undivided” attention and be all theirs. I’m lost anymore.


I know, I know, it’s all on me to deal with this strange craziness. I be in the mirror and still can’t figure it out why people annoy me. It’s like I’m in a whack ass video game and I don’t want to be here nor play this garbage. Keep your cooch, emotions and wanna be manipulating asses away from me. I’m not interested or buying what you’re trying to sell.

To Be Continued…


  1. Replies
    1. Geez, I responded twice and it's not showing up. Was just thinking and wanted to get it off my chest.
