Saturday, January 31, 2015

Setting Goals - February 2015

A month has passed already and it’s time to set some new goals for myself again. Finished all of my January 2015 goals early. Got all my blu rays inventoried, put in alphabetical order and put away. Took apart all the Lego sets that I didn’t want to leave out. I didn’t think that was going to go as smooth as it did. Got those bagged up, labeled and boxed away. Even
grouped all the booklets and mini figures, and got them put away.

Only set two goals for myself for the month of February. The first goal is to start putting together Lego Creator sets. I haven’t put one together before. Wasn’t really feeling the Creator sets at first because most don’t come with any mini figures and if they do, it’s not very many. Most sets are a 3 in 1 type of deals, meaning that set can be put together 3 different ways or put together into 3 different things. Wanting to get my Lego fix on so this is a start.

For my 2nd goal this month, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to get done? Thought about putting more music on the ipod but that’s usually one of my regular monthly goals. Not going to worry about doing that since I’m just about out of storage space on the ipod I have. I’ll just wait until a get something that will hold more music.

Speaking of my regularly monthly goals, wanted to add video games one. Going to start writing about the video games I play, if or when I do play one, along with the movies a watch each month.

Decided to make, finishing up organizing my bedroom, a goal this month. Over the months, I kind of forgot I had projects going on in the bedroom. I want to at least get things moving in there. It never fails, a project turns in multi projects and becomes confusing at times.

My goals for February 2015, are to start putting together the Lego Creator sets and work on organizing the bedroom. These two should keep me busy.    

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Anti-Relationshipism January 2015

Brought 2015 in with an attitude towards “relationships”. It annoys me when I tell someone that I’m not interested in a relationship and they act like they don’t hear me. Maybe I’m not going about it the right way?

I mean, if you want a relationship, why put the cooch in my face before I tell you I want to be with you? If I take you up on your offer, that doesn’t mean all of sudden I now want a relationship with you?

I told you from the jump what I didn’t want one and now you want to bring the relationship up again after sex. What made you think I changed my mind?

After sex, NOW you’re aware of what I said and want to act different. Be on some “you ain’t man so why does it matter” type of shit. Or “you don’t want to be with me or care for me so it shouldn’t bother you”. You should’ve said and acted that way from the jump. People ain’t shit I tell you. Always want something just because they gave you something OR trying to manipulate you into giving them something.

When did I become the target of manipulation and when did y’all think that bullshit was working on ME??? Do I come across that slow? Mugs are greedy and arrogant as hell these days. When do these people give unconditionally? If sex=relationship to you, say that shit from the jump and keep your legs closed. That’s some ass backwards as shit. Are men really falling for that??

Even when sex is not involved, people come with hidden agendas anymore. They bait you in thinking they can “change” you into that person they’ve always wanted.

 WHAT? Try getting to know a person, foremost. It makes no sense to screw over good people in your silly ass quest to make someone ONLY WANT YOU. Try being yourself and let people choose to like you or want you or want to be with you naturally, instead trying to convince folks with mind games and fuckery.   

These days, you almost have to have a fuck it kind of attitude if you’re single and not looking. As soon as you show someone any kind of act of kindness, they catch feelings. You can’t even have a good conversation or good time without them wanting you to give them your “undivided undivided” attention and be all theirs. I’m lost anymore.


I know, I know, it’s all on me to deal with this strange craziness. I be in the mirror and still can’t figure it out why people annoy me. It’s like I’m in a whack ass video game and I don’t want to be here nor play this garbage. Keep your cooch, emotions and wanna be manipulating asses away from me. I’m not interested or buying what you’re trying to sell.

To Be Continued…

Monday, January 19, 2015

Watching Movies in January 2015

Black Coffee: this movie was decent. Seemed like a positive to keep someone believing in love and soulmates. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen, the main guy said that in the movie or something like that. I believe in that.

Four of Hearts: Seen this some weeks ago so I don’t remember much about it. It was weird, swapping partners, emotions and confusion. Same guy from this movie was in Black Coffee too. This movie was, ehh ok I guess.

Mercenaries: Ehh, this was a low budget kind of movie. Not really any good or worth watching.

The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History: Can’t remember what my complaint was but if you’re into wrestling, this wasn’t bad. There were some finishers that they could have left out and a lot they could’ve added like the Death Valley Driver and that brain buster that Scott Steiner did back in the day.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

My Mind Now - In The Negative Zone

What’s on my mind right now? A lot of bullshit mostly, that’s what’s on my mind at the moment. If you don’t want to hear me bitching and complaining

If you’re still reading this, let me tell you. I feel like I’ve lost my way in the past month. My mind has been in the negative zone more than usual and I have been easily annoyed by things. I also feel like my senses have leveled up. My sense for the bullshit people are on has heightened in the past month.

Been deleted by 3 people on Fakebook and 2 of them blocked me. Damn, I must’ve been on one huh. I bet neither one of them could come up with a good reason for deleting me other than “just because” or something selfish.

Then there is the TV. There were a couple of people that asked if I had a TB for sell back in Oct and Nov. I decided to buy a TV on Thanksgiving with the intent to sell it to one of these people. Of course I got a good deal on the TV and was out to make a little profit.  The couple of people who had just asked me about a TV were all of sudden broke and still broke to this day. I let other numerous people know about it and folks showed interest. Even told me when they wanted it. Why is that same TV still sitting in my livingroom?

A brand new $460 LED that was fresh in the box up until this past weekend (the only reason I opened it was to prove to a stranger on FB that it worked and that muthafucka didn’t even respond back afterwards) and all I asked for was $250. Ok, I understand that people don’t have that kind of money just sitting around. When you say you want it and ask me to hold it until a certain date but when the day comes, all I get is bullshit excuses. Man I can’ t honor that. NOW, it’s $300; fuck your feelings and fuck loyalty.

Anywho, on a less negative note, my goals are coming along pretty well. Finished up the blu ray inventory and I was sorting them in ABC order took out a bunch of movies out that I’d like to watch sometime soon. Some of those movies are going to sound real good on surround sound as I’m chilling in my recliner.

Heard this Pitbull song with Ne-Yo the other day and it gave a warm weather sunny nice day feel.

Making decent time on breaking down my Legos also, got about 1/3 or so taken apart. They break down a lot faster than it takes to put them together. Haven’t really decided how I’m going to sort them or how I want to store the booklets that come with them.

[Wanted to add a picture of my Legos and the progress I made but don’t feel like getting up to go get my phone to transfer a picture to the computer and add to here]

Besides another movie blog or two, I’ll be posting one more blog besides this one for the month. Working on typing up an Anti-Relationshipism blog, one is long overdue. Got it mostly done, just added some pictures this morning to spice it up some. While I’ve been in the negative zone, haven’t really come up anything worth writing. Writing the first half of this was annoying as hell but it’s better out than in.

Been slacking on getting this posted, actually wrote it a few morning ago and just now finished it up to post it. Haven’t been too much in the negative zone since Thursday evening but that probably has a lot to do with not having to work for 4 days. Shout out to the cool bosses out there that that aren’t dicks and disrupting their employees flow.