2014 started off cold
with a lot snow and was a bit rough at times. Being out in negative degree
temperatures is breath taking. Still have thoughts about that night it was -42.
The look and sound was like being in one of those artic movies. It made me stop
complaining as much about it snowing or how cold it is, even to this day.
Early this year, a
friend of mine pretty much just up and moved away. The fact the she was moving
bummed me out but what made it worse was that she showed no emotion about it.
They say when it’s time to go, it’s time to go.
Switched shifts at
work back in May or June(damn really, how did I forget the month already) and
was pretty content with the work situation I was in for a long while. Took a
lot of small trips to hit the stores but mainly went to Danville, IL aka the
Dirty D aka the Shady Capital. Last year it was 2 months straight that I hit
the road at least once a week. This year, I think I’ve done it 8 months
straight and counting.
Had some thoughts about
long term goals and I how I’m not good at sticking with them. In June, decided
to come up with short term monthly goals. That has been working out well. A
couple of my goals each month are to write at least 4 blogs and write about 5
movie or TV shows.
Also in June, started
walking and working out to get my health right. That was fun but only did it
for a few months. Wasn’t trying to lose weight or get too small for my clothes
but it happened and hit me quick. I want to get back to some kind of workout
soon even if it’s just a couple of time a week.
Started writing someone
in jail over the Summer. That was cool plus that was around the time I started setting
goals so it made me want to write more. Had been wanting a pen pal or something
like that for a while. It’s true, when someone is locked up they tend to be
really tough in his or her feelings. Making lots of promises but when they get
out, you get the real person.
Been on a shopping
binge since late July 2013. Sometime earlier in the year, went a little over 30
days only buying 1 thing that wasn’t something like food or a necessity. As
soon as the weather was nice, I was back on it and hitting the road again.
After that harsh Winter, we went right into a mild Summer that was loaded with
lots of decent weather.
Met up with a friend in
person that I started talking to in the Myspace days. That was pretty cool.
Also got to see a friend who moved away a couple of years ago. She was right,
people do change or have changed since she had moved.
Switched departments
at work after working the same department for 8 years. The cool part about it
was that my co-workers from that department requested me and stayed in the boss
ear to help me get the job. I’m digging the job but the “shituation” and having
to work for a “lying ass sounding like a bitch with all those excuses” boss
kind of makes it hard at times to really enjoy it.
Got me a Partner in
the Kitchen. So far, we’ve made Lemon Cake and Sexy Voice Peanut Butter Pie.
Both were damn good but that PB pie, Boi I tell ya, it be calling out for you,
I’m trying to tell ya. Cut my sodium intake down when I started working out and
since then, everything taste too good. Damn, I’ve eating some good food in the
past few months.
Put the Christmas
tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving. Had a bunch of gifts wrapped before
the tree went up. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving but I was in the
spirit and ready to get it cracking.
Black Friday, with
the exception of the few bumps I hit that smoothed out, was pretty good this
year and I had some. That made it that much better. Everybody act like they
afraid to be in the store during Black Friday, it wasn’t even that bad that
year. I’m already thinking about 2015 Black Friday but I’ll let this year soak
in some more.
Turned one of my
visions into a reality when I started working on a game room. Finally got it
done for the most part at the beginning of the month.
On December 9, 2014,
got a call from Mom letting me know that Grandma had passed. I quickly went
from good to I’m not sure anymore? Everything will be ok. She’s resting after
putting in an amazingly long life. I’m proud to have a Grandma like her. R.I.P.
Was out of the
Christmas spirits for the past few weeks and it never came back to me. Took the
Christmas tree down the day after Christmas. I almost take it down Christmas
Eve. Been trying to make the best of these last days of in 2014 and continue that
through 2015.
Overall 2014 was a
really good year. One of the best years I’ve had in long time. I’m sure I
forgot something but it’s cool, maybe it’ll get its own blog one day. My goal
every year has been to learn as much as I can to help me become a better
person. Of course I’m still going to do that but along the way, those little
things are what I’m going to try to enjoy the most. See you in 2015, if not,
you be cool.
Happy New Year!!!!!
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