Friday, September 5, 2014

Pt 1 Watching Movies in September '14

This movie was ok. Cyberbullying wasn’t really a factor back when in school that I know of. It’s become really bad. The best solution for something like this is to just stay away from sites where bullying is going on.

The girl in the movie kept going back to the site where she was being bullied. Seems like no one in the movie was hip to online bullying or the girls were too young to handle their friendships. It’s not really worth watching unless you’re bored.

This movie reminded me of the movie Mark Walburg played in called The Big Hit. Corny, what the hell are y’all doing kind of movie. It’s another movie that’ s not really worth watching unless you’re bored. 

1 comment:

  1. I just sat here and typed out a whole stinking paragraph for blogger to wipe it. Dangit! I knew better than to not copy & paste it. Shhh... anywho. I haven't seen Cyberbully, but bullying in general has been long overdue in being brought to the lime light. Too many kids are committing suicide. ONE kid committing suicide over it is too many, but man... it's becoming an epidemic.
