Sunday, September 28, 2014

Excel For Dummies, Like Me - Lego Inventory Pt 1, 2 & 3

Part 1 – 08/28/14
It’s been a long time since I used Excel. I want to re-learn the basics of Excel. I started keeping an inventory of things I’ve collected and one day wanted to put them on a spreadsheet. I guess that one day has come.

Purchased a program called OpenOffice that has Excel on it. Found it cheap on eBay. Been playing around with it trying to see what I could remember. Haven’t really used Excel since I was right out of High School.

Anywho, the first major thing I’m going to use Excel for is to inventory my Lego sets. The plan is to create a spreadsheet with the each Lego sets model number, set name and how many I have of that set.

I want a separate sheet for each Lego group.
I want to have the total number of sets from each Lego group to show on each group sheet. The challenge is to be able to display a total number of sets in a group and total number of sets from all the other groups for a grand total. The grand total will display on every group sheet.   

One morning I spent a good hour trying to figure out the formula that would do all this but couldn’t figure it out. Once I stepped away from the computer and started doing something else, the solution came to me.

The solution was to create a separate sheet that has all the totals from the other groups on it. Then add those numbers together for a grand total. Then have that total display on each sheet. I didn’t really want to have a sheet with the totals at first but now I’m glad I did that.

Part 2 – 09/22/14
Once I set down to start this Lego Inventory spreadsheet, new ideas were coming to me. This made it more of challenge for me along with more “leg work” but the outcome will be worth it.

Once a got the ball in motion, wanted to add more detail to each sheet. On each group sheet, added more columns of information: pieces for each set, number of minifigures that come with it, how much I paid for it, day I bought it and if I’ve put it together.

Like I said, I made this more challenging by adding all this because I didn’t have any of that information right in face besides the cost and purchase date but to get that, I had to back track through old receipts. Good thing I started labeling my receipts when I bought Legos. For ever set that I purchased before this month, I had to google it for the pieces and minifigures.

On each group sheet, there will be a total to the side for each of the columns plus a grand total from all the other group sheets. On the Total sheet, it’ll have all the totals from each group plus a grand total.

Each Group sheet will look like this.

The Total sheet will look like this. 

Made a couple predictions while I’m working on this goal. I’m guessing I’ll have 75, 000 pieces and 350 sets. I also guessed how much I’ve spent but I’m not going to get into all that on here.

This goal is kind of fun and cool. Looking forward to seeing the outcome.  

Part 3 – 09/28/14
Finished this goal this morning, I’m excited to see how things turned out. Couldn’t find all the receipts so I don’t have to accurate total cost or all the purchase dates but it’s cool. Some of those receipts will show up over time and I’ll add them then. Don’t remember all the sets I’ve put together either so that’s not going to be right.

This is the Lego Ninjago sheet

Going to put each sheet in ABC order one day, just kind of left them in order by how I wrote them down in my notebook to keep track of them. My predictions were sort of close but off. Had 75, 436 pieces and 313 sets. Eventually, going to add the Minifigures series to the mix. Next spreadsheet project will be my video games then DVDs and Blu rays. 

Pt. 3 Watching Movies in September '14

Seen both of these movies last month but didn't get around to posting them. Both are on Netflix. 

This was a pretty good movie. It was made back in the 70s so it was pretty old school. Buddy Holly had a nerdy look but cool as hell. I’m not up on his music.

It’s kind of sad to see people rising to fame or getting to a place they’ve worked hard for then it’s taking away from them, just like that.

I hadn’t seen this movie since it first came out. I didn’t like the movie back then and don’t really like it now. The part I remember is towards the end before he got on the plane. Back in the day, that part made me a feel some kind of way.

I Googled Frankie Valens and Buddy Holly, found out they were young. 17 and 22 or something like that, still kids basically when they died.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Random Babbles

It’s raining pretty good right now. A good day to do nothing but relax in a cozy  spot all day.

My name is Koolaid “Da BlacGhost”, and I’m a shopaholic. This shit is crazy the way I be in these stores. I was saying and doing the same exact thing a year ago. It feels good to hit the road and buy stuff but the feeling of not being responsible and over doing something sucks. Kind of like sweets, they’re good but you can’t eat too much too often.

Have you noticed how mild the Summer is compared to the past Summers in 5 years? We experienced a harsh Winter then a decent Spring and Summer. It’s kind of cool but scary. When the weather is acting “weird”, I wonder what’s really going on.

Black Friday is starting to cross my mind. I’m interested to see what sales will be going on. There’s nothing I have to have but I usually get something nice for myself as a Birthday/Christmas gift. I decided to get myself an early pre-birthday gift.

Ready to try something different, just something out of the norm for me. I don’t have my mind on anything specific but change has crossed my mind a lot. Maybe I’ll go to a town I’ve never been to? Try a new food or restaurant? I don’t know.

Been listening to some newer Hip Hop on iTunes. I’ve heard some decent music. I sometimes get caught up in the talk about how Hip Hop today is garbage and blah blah blah. Music is music, just like art is art. I don’t want to see the same picture painted over and over again by the same artist. I like how an artist will take something a “famous person’s” has done and relate it to what they are talking about. Just seems a bit creative to me. I’ve also noticed that the production aka the beat on a lot songs sound pretty good. I’ve also been listening to a lot of varies old music from rock to soul. Good stuff.  

A friend of mine on Fakebook bought a scratch and won $100. I seen her post yesterday on FB and figured, if she’s lucky, maybe I’ll be lucky too. Went to bought 4 tickets last night, wasn’t going to go because I’m was being lazy.

I’ve only scratched off one ticket so far and won $15. I’ll get around to the other 3 some time day I guess.
I think I’m done babbling for now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

**Update** On September Goals

Was sitting here trying to figure out what I could write about, figured I’d do an update on the progress on my September 2014 goals. If you didn’t see that blog about my goals for this month, I came up with 8 goals that I plan to complete before this month ends.

1st Goal: make it around the block in 10 minutes. Yesterday morning, I got around the block in 12minutes. This morning, a little over 11minutes. I haven’t been working on this goal much in the past couple of weeks so I’m going to have to get on it. I think to myself “push push push” when I’m out there. Even heard the Rocky music when I first got out there but 5 minutes into it, I heard the Price is Right losing music.  

2nd Goal: get all my Lego sets entered on a spreadsheet. This one is taking a lot of work. I keep adding new columns to the spreadsheet of something I’d like to know but I’m making progress. I still need to put a separate blog together so you all can see what I’m talking about.

3rd Goal: add music to iPod. Just finished this goal the other day. Been listening to the Hip Hop station on iTunes so I’ll have plenty music to start working on my next folder. I’ve added music by the Spinners to Trey Songs to Fresh Prince to Pink. Lots of variety going on.  

4th Goal: wrote 4 blogs. This blog will make blog 2 for the month. I’ll have 2 more to go.

5th Goal: Save $100. Got $50 saved for the month so far.

6th Goal: watch 5 movies or shows, then write about each one. I’ve seen more than 5 movies this month. Posted 2 blogs with 4 movies so far.

7th Goal: Put laundry away within 24 hours after washing it. So far so good.

8th Goal: Bake Peanut Butter Cookies. My tasty goal. Baked PB cookies last week. Tried low sodium peanut butter for half a batch. Eh, they were ok but I kind of missed the salty taste. The other batch, I used honey peanut butter, it wasn’t too bad. I’ll probably bake some more before the end of the month, maybe.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pt 2 Watching Movies in September ' 14

I never was a Star Trek fan. I’ve probably watch it in the past but it was never anything that really get my attention. I always compared Star Trek to Star Wars and Star Wars had my full attention back in the day. The two really don’t have anything to do with one or the other so I can’t really compare them anymore. The last 2 Star Trek movies that I know of were pretty good. I went to the movies to see the one that came out in 2009.

I thought everything about it was pretty cool. It give us an idea of how the crew on the USS Enterprise came together. I think around that time I was into the TV show Heroes so I was curious to see how ol crazy Sylar, Zachary Quinto, was going to play Mr. Spock.

I didn’t go see the last movie in theater and finally got around to watching the other day on trusty Netflix. It was a decent movie also. Lots of special effects and action.

If you’re into Sci-fi or just want to see some special effects and action,
you may want to check these two out.