Sunday, July 20, 2014

Setting Goals - July 2014

Wrote this on July 3rd…….A month ago, I was marinating and having goals crossed my mind. Figured since I’m not very good at sticking to long term goals, I’d come up with some short term goals.

In June 2014, my 5 goals were:

1.    Post 30 positive statues.
2.    Wrote 4 blogs.
3.    Save $100
4.    Watch 5 movies or shows, then write about each one.
5.    Put laundry away within 24 hours after washing it.

I accomplished 2.5 of the goals. I came up with 30 positive statuses and save $100. There was one time I didn’t put away my laundry within 24 hours. As soon as I realized I hadn’t done so, it got put away. I’ve been watching movies and shows but didn’t write about them. Didn’t post not one blog in the month of June. Had some ideas of stuff I wanted to write about written down but was still slacking.

Going to stick with coming up with goals each month, even if I don’t accomplish them all. The conditioning of the mind to get things done is a goal within itself so I’m hoping just having goals and trying to reach them helps with something.

During the month of July 2014, I plan to stick with all the goals from June 2014 except writing 30 positive statuses. Also I want to add a few more.

1.     Do 50 push-ups without stopping.
2.     Do 30 sit-ups without stopping.
3.     Put together the rest of my Lego Ninjago sets.

Those push-ups and sit-up are most definitely a challenge for me. Sheeeiit. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years but always seemed to get sided tracked. I’ve been bs’n around with getting on them Legos done for a while now. I look forward to seeing what’s going to happening at the end of the month. I’ll try to get August goals posted no later than in the first week of next month.


  1. Goals are definitely a good thing. I'm very proud of you. I was going to ask what you achieved of last month's goals, but I see you've answered preemptively. I may dust off my pen and write an actual blog- we'll see.

    How many sets do you have left of the legos to complete? Also- please do my laundry too!

    1. You should dust that pen off. I've been writing, just haven't typed them out and posted them.

      When I first wrote this, I had like 9 or so sets left. Finished them last weekend. About to start some more but not sure which ones. Just put them in my box to pick the next sets out. Sure, I wash one shirt and a sock for you, no problem.
