Saturday, July 26, 2014

In The Moment

For the past hour or so, I was thinking about this exact moment. Taking a quick break at work. Pulling my notebook out, choosing a pen. Eating some grapes, a tropical tie-die fruit roll-up and a Little Debbie oatmeal pie.

Taking a few swigs of this trusty cold Ice Mountain bottled water. Putting that choosing pen between my fingers then putting it to this paper and watching my hand move as the pen skeets ink across this paper. After that, I wasn’t sure but here it is….

….Sitting in one of my chill spots looking out this window. Man it’s a nice sunny day. Feels like it should be a Saturday or just a good day to be off work.

Just be outside, somewhere chilling and enjoying the nice breeze. It’s about 69 degress right now and partly sunny in the middle of July. I can’t complain at all.

These grapes are good than a mug. Almost a year ago, I was about to go begin an ugly shopping binge. A shopping binge that lead to my addiction for Legos and a lot of riding.

I still remember the good feelings from riding up, down and across the interstates with the windows down up listening to some trusty music in a zone.  I was just rolling this past weekend. Felt so good that I’m still feeling it and it’s on my mind.

Every year I wonder what will I remember about that year? 2 years from now, what I will I associate 2014 with, who will I mention? I usually think about that at the beginning of the year. During the Summer of 2013, there were a lot of nice sunny weekends when I was riding tough. I was fortunate that I started all that riding then. Clouds and blue skies can give me a good feeling.

Picture from August 04, 2013… Going to grill later today. Still working on my grilling skills, they are not where I want to them to be just yet. Probably will grill some burgers, smoke sausages, tilapia and chicken. Might as well take advantage of this nice day.

My quick break is over but it was good to enjoy this moment and look forward to my next moment. Aight then.

***Written July 15, 2014***

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