Sunday, July 27, 2014


This is one the longest movies I’ve ever seen. 3 hours and 30 minutes. I don’t think I’ve ever watching it again since I first seen it? I remember getting all emotional in the end the first time.

This was a pretty good movie, even though it was long. They added moments of what happened to the Titanic but it was more a “love movie” / “chick flick”. It shows that the deep connection between two people has nothing to do with how much money they have or where they come from. It’s more of a natural thing.

I like what Jack said while they were having dinner. 
I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.”

It’s pretty cool when someone comes along and gives you something good you can feel that you aren’t use to. Showing you something new that makes you try new things.

During the scene when Jack drew the picture of Rose was the moment when she was too comfortable and was giving him the “greenlight”. (haha) Started to really feel the emotions after Rose went to find Jack at the bottom of the ship.

The boat is sinking by this time and people are starting to loss it. I don’t remember feeling Jack and Rose’s connection the way I felt it this time around. The scene when they were in the water after the boat sank and Jack was telling her to not to let go, it got me again. Just keeping it real.  

Whatever these two had, that’s deep.  This was some good stuff.  

Saturday, July 26, 2014

In The Moment

For the past hour or so, I was thinking about this exact moment. Taking a quick break at work. Pulling my notebook out, choosing a pen. Eating some grapes, a tropical tie-die fruit roll-up and a Little Debbie oatmeal pie.

Taking a few swigs of this trusty cold Ice Mountain bottled water. Putting that choosing pen between my fingers then putting it to this paper and watching my hand move as the pen skeets ink across this paper. After that, I wasn’t sure but here it is….

….Sitting in one of my chill spots looking out this window. Man it’s a nice sunny day. Feels like it should be a Saturday or just a good day to be off work.

Just be outside, somewhere chilling and enjoying the nice breeze. It’s about 69 degress right now and partly sunny in the middle of July. I can’t complain at all.

These grapes are good than a mug. Almost a year ago, I was about to go begin an ugly shopping binge. A shopping binge that lead to my addiction for Legos and a lot of riding.

I still remember the good feelings from riding up, down and across the interstates with the windows down up listening to some trusty music in a zone.  I was just rolling this past weekend. Felt so good that I’m still feeling it and it’s on my mind.

Every year I wonder what will I remember about that year? 2 years from now, what I will I associate 2014 with, who will I mention? I usually think about that at the beginning of the year. During the Summer of 2013, there were a lot of nice sunny weekends when I was riding tough. I was fortunate that I started all that riding then. Clouds and blue skies can give me a good feeling.

Picture from August 04, 2013… Going to grill later today. Still working on my grilling skills, they are not where I want to them to be just yet. Probably will grill some burgers, smoke sausages, tilapia and chicken. Might as well take advantage of this nice day.

My quick break is over but it was good to enjoy this moment and look forward to my next moment. Aight then.

***Written July 15, 2014***

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Setting Goals - July 2014

Wrote this on July 3rd…….A month ago, I was marinating and having goals crossed my mind. Figured since I’m not very good at sticking to long term goals, I’d come up with some short term goals.

In June 2014, my 5 goals were:

1.    Post 30 positive statues.
2.    Wrote 4 blogs.
3.    Save $100
4.    Watch 5 movies or shows, then write about each one.
5.    Put laundry away within 24 hours after washing it.

I accomplished 2.5 of the goals. I came up with 30 positive statuses and save $100. There was one time I didn’t put away my laundry within 24 hours. As soon as I realized I hadn’t done so, it got put away. I’ve been watching movies and shows but didn’t write about them. Didn’t post not one blog in the month of June. Had some ideas of stuff I wanted to write about written down but was still slacking.

Going to stick with coming up with goals each month, even if I don’t accomplish them all. The conditioning of the mind to get things done is a goal within itself so I’m hoping just having goals and trying to reach them helps with something.

During the month of July 2014, I plan to stick with all the goals from June 2014 except writing 30 positive statuses. Also I want to add a few more.

1.     Do 50 push-ups without stopping.
2.     Do 30 sit-ups without stopping.
3.     Put together the rest of my Lego Ninjago sets.

Those push-ups and sit-up are most definitely a challenge for me. Sheeeiit. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years but always seemed to get sided tracked. I’ve been bs’n around with getting on them Legos done for a while now. I look forward to seeing what’s going to happening at the end of the month. I’ll try to get August goals posted no later than in the first week of next month.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Setting Some Goals - June 2014

I wrote this June 2, 2014 and never posted it. It’s better late than never I guess.

I’m not very good at completing long term goals. That’s something I could work on. I decided to start setting some short term goals for myself. For the month of June 2014, I want to set some 30 goals for myself. At least set 5 goals to begin with.

Since I like writing what’s on my mind, I could start there. By the end of the day on June 30, 2014, first I want to post at least 30 positive statuses. Second, I want to write at least 4 blogs by the end of the month, preferably 1 a week.

My third goal is to save $100. I like to do it big on Black Friday so if I could save at least $100 a month until then, I’d have a head start. For now, I’ll just worry about saving for a month.

My fourth goal is to watch 5 movies or shows then write about them. Fifth goal, put my laundry away within 24 hours of washing it.

I figure if I continue to set short term goals each month they could potentially affect my long term goals, like breaking procrastination amongst many other things I want to work on or achieve. 

I may add things as the month goes but for now, this will due. I want to keep it simple to start off.