Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Closing Out 2013

I’ve made it through another year, one year older, a bit wiser and another moment closer to being where I want to be. I’d like to take a moment to thank all the people that walked into 2013 with me and plan on walking out this year into a new year with me, one love. A majority of my dearest friends have shown me something that I’ve been “ignoring” or letting slide for too long because they are my friends and can’t be mad at that.  

This year seemed to be more of a “dose of my own medicine” type of year. Spent a lot of time alone and did some reflecting. With all the reflecting I did, it got me upset with myself. Boi I tell ya, an ugly truth can smack a person down. It was well needed and much deserved so I welcome it. I know some folks that are messed up but I’m just as bad as they are. SMH

Was on an old school music kick for a long while so that’s about all the new music I heard. Way behind on what’s new in the music world and also on TV. 

Went on an ugly shopping binge for several months that was awesome. Hurt my pockets something serious but I enjoyed the trill of chase, I guess that’s what it could be considered? Can’t really say I have a handle on thing because I can’t keep my ass out that store. Although it lead to some cool ass experiences it’s definitely an issue. It’s real easy to say what you can/can’t or will/won’t do when you’re not going through it but when you’re actually in that situation full blown, things are a bit different. 

Experienced my first strike at work. Don’t like other people messing with my money let alone the people I’m working for. Had mixed feelings about it all.

There’s a lot of things that I happened this year but I’m not going to try to remember them all or even go into them all. Overall, this year was good year. Going to continue to work on me and focus more on what I’m doing instead of what every else is doing. At the same time, pay attention to what’s going on around and the company I’ve been keeping. Make each year, day, moment worth remembering. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Giving Thanks and Rambles

First off, I want to say thank you to the 24 peeps who have liked my Constipated Thoughts page on Fakebook. I appreciate that. I know I haven’t really dropped much but it’ll come out eventually. Thought I was ready to starting letting loose on the page but I guess not.  

Been sitting on the 25 Days, 25 Songs thingy I’ve wanted to start posting so will start that within the next few days. Join me each day and let me what song goes with that day and why.  

Black Friday is coming up real quick and I’m ready to do what I do when it gets here. I think I’ve been out to the stores each Black Friday since 1998, that’s the first one I remember?

Catch me on my page:
Other sites I’m on, coming soon.

Enjoy the coming up Holidays and be easy folks.  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

1000 Miles Later

I’ve been a fan of Transformers since my ears were wetter than a mug. I started collecting them in 2001. I go for the newer stuff because I wouldn’t be able to afford to get the older ones. Every time I go to store, I always hit the toy section up to see if anything new came out.

Almost two months, I hit Toys R Us up one morning. Saw they had a new Transformer, they had two left. At the moment I couldn’t justify the cost of it so I decided I’d get it another time. Got home and something was saying go back. Went back about 2 hours later and they both were gone. That made me want even more, thus starting my ugly shopping binge.

I’ve been this way for a long while when it comes to shopping and the shopping binges have been happening more over the past 2 years and very random.

I know that whatever causes me to go on these binges is a part of who I am. Wanting something, setting my mind to it and going hard for it. The lengths I’d go for something anymore is pretty far as proven last year when I went on a Guitar Hero spree. It was like I wouldn’t let anything deny me of finding what I was looking for and I never gave up. I’ve never really associated myself with being compulsive but it’s in me. Only if I would put that much effect towards other things.

Let me tell you, there are two sides to this binging episode I’m having; the bad news side and the good news side.

The bad news side. I went way over and beyond my budget. Felt like I can’t really enjoy all the moments to the fullest because I know I’m being responsible. There were even times I would ask myself “why I am I doing this? What void in my life am I trying to fill by shopping out of control?”

I’m notorious for wanting something, getting it and never actually using it. Makes me question how grateful and appreciative am I for what I have? It’s not only when it comes to material things but that’s a whole other story for another time.

The only solutions that I’ve come up with is to try to talk myself out of it and find something else to focus on. I’ve gotten better at that but if I really want something, sometimes it’s harder to convince myself otherwise. I’m also thinking, it might be a good idea to just play it out and see what happens.   

The good news side!! Right around the time this binge started, my inner kid came out full force. The first weekend, after the Toys R Us experience I went on the “hunt” for Transformers, I hit the highway. Felt some kind of way over that first weekend because I had over spent, my inner kid came out. He told me “everything was going to be ok. Enjoy the moment no matter what or what outcome may happen. It’s ok to be irresponsible at times. We will figure things out if it goes to shit.” When the inner kid speaks, I listen and I believe.

I’ve hit the highway for the past 8 weeks, traveling within a 50 miles radius and once outside so far. The feeling of riding on a nice day while the sun is shining with partly cloudy blue skies, is awesome!! Rolled my windows down, turned the music up and was rolling. Although the weather during each weekend was in the 80s, it was fairly nice out. These past two weekends, the temperature has been really nice.  

Stopped to see some folks I haven’t saw in a long time and also got to meet an old friend for the first time that I’ve known since the Myspace days. I’ve been to about 8 “towns”, hit ever Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, K-mart and Meijer in a 50 mile radius. While I’m out and doing my thing, I had no worries or fears. Even the bad new side of this wasn’t on my mind while I was out. Remember those old school JC Pennies catalogs that were huge? I used to dream about buying stuff out of it, now I’m actually doing it. Feels like I’m living out a childhood dream. Priceless.

Found some G.I. Joe Retaliation and Legos on clearance so I’ve been buying those too. Got a MEAN Lego collection now.

A few weekend ago, wrote down 6 locations, mixed them up and picked one. Ended up in Clinton, Decatur and Mt. Zion, IL. Hit the lego jackpot at Wal-Mart in MT. Zion.

Overall, even though this is a temporary thing and I can’t afford to keep doing it, I’ve enjoyed it. Just getting out and riding is good enough for me. Kind of anxious to see where I’m heading next and what I may find.

Do you go on shopping binges?

Do you act compulsive toward something? What?   

Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Intro

For those of you that know me and for those of you that don’t, I’m Koolaid Da BlacGhost. Thanks for coming to see what I have to say. If I forget, thanks if you decide to check out what I’m talking about in the future.

Usually when I haven’t blogged in a long while, I’d start off by saying something like I haven’t blogged in forever, how I want to blog more, yada yada, yea whatever. Eh, now that I got that out the way, on to the other stuff I want to say.

Started a New Blog on Blogger called Constipated Thoughts. I’m calling it that because it seems that I have a lot of thoughts built up inside that either won’t or haven’t come out yet. I’m ready to drop them shits. It’s still under construction as far as setting up the page to look how I want it to. Not aiming for anything fancy, just somewhere to post and everything is legible.   

Didn’t ever finish saving my links to all my older blogs on Myspace and Friendburst. Myspace has changed things around and the links I do have saved aren’t working. Friendburst isn’t letting me log in for some reason. I’ll have to mess around with them both to see what’s going on.

Thinking about starting a Fakebook page and possibly a group. The page is going down but the group, still on the fence about that one. Just wanting a place that whomever wants to keep up with what I’m doing can. Plus it’ll be a place for people to let loose those thoughts they usually wouldn’t on their own page. Sheeeiit, it’s even for those whom want to try something they usually wouldn’t.

What else am I up? Got a 25 day music challenge and a 30 day self-esteem challenge coming soon. There’s some blogs that I’ve been working on like the things that make me happy, fantasies, binging, music, whack statuses, movies, etc. Who knows what else because I sure don’t.

Anywho, just trying to get back into something that involves writing. I’ll post links to all the sites that you can reach me on sooner or later. FB been nice to me this year and didn’t delete me so I’ll be posting my blogs there for now.