Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Closing Out 2013

I’ve made it through another year, one year older, a bit wiser and another moment closer to being where I want to be. I’d like to take a moment to thank all the people that walked into 2013 with me and plan on walking out this year into a new year with me, one love. A majority of my dearest friends have shown me something that I’ve been “ignoring” or letting slide for too long because they are my friends and can’t be mad at that.  

This year seemed to be more of a “dose of my own medicine” type of year. Spent a lot of time alone and did some reflecting. With all the reflecting I did, it got me upset with myself. Boi I tell ya, an ugly truth can smack a person down. It was well needed and much deserved so I welcome it. I know some folks that are messed up but I’m just as bad as they are. SMH

Was on an old school music kick for a long while so that’s about all the new music I heard. Way behind on what’s new in the music world and also on TV. 

Went on an ugly shopping binge for several months that was awesome. Hurt my pockets something serious but I enjoyed the trill of chase, I guess that’s what it could be considered? Can’t really say I have a handle on thing because I can’t keep my ass out that store. Although it lead to some cool ass experiences it’s definitely an issue. It’s real easy to say what you can/can’t or will/won’t do when you’re not going through it but when you’re actually in that situation full blown, things are a bit different. 

Experienced my first strike at work. Don’t like other people messing with my money let alone the people I’m working for. Had mixed feelings about it all.

There’s a lot of things that I happened this year but I’m not going to try to remember them all or even go into them all. Overall, this year was good year. Going to continue to work on me and focus more on what I’m doing instead of what every else is doing. At the same time, pay attention to what’s going on around and the company I’ve been keeping. Make each year, day, moment worth remembering. 

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