Saturday, February 28, 2015

Setting Goals - March 2015

Still working on both goals that I set for myself in February 2015, didn’t go as hard as I would’ve liked to have gone on either one. Going to continue working on both February goals this month. I plan to finish the bedroom. Probably won’t finish the Lego sets.

I want to start some kind of workout this month. Haven’t exercised since last August or September. Going to keep it simple for now with push-ups and sit-ups. Might start walking and jogging also. Starting anything is better than not starting anything.

Thought about doing something like push-ups 3 days in a row, break the 4th  day, then 3 more days of push-ups and repeat. Thinking about adding 5 more push-ups each day. The same for sit-ups, 3 days, break, repeat. Add 3 sit-ups each day. If I added it up right after starting at 10 of each on March 1st by March 31, I should be doing 115 push-ups and 69 sit-ups. Damn, that sounds like a lot.

I don’t plan to do them all at once, when the number gets higher, I’ll start breaking up my workouts per day to get them all done.

My goals for March 2015 are to finish the bedroom, continue working on the Legos and start working out. Going to have to start being more serious about the things I want to accomplish anymore. I could feel myself slipping recently and I don’t want to go back to that place where I was always procrastinating or waiting until the last minute or just not doing it at all. I would like to be able to say at the end of the year that I accomplished all my goals and then some all year long.

These goals I set each month have helped out a lot with other things I do, whether it’s something daily or from time to time. It’s a good feeling to take care of business.   

Friday, February 20, 2015

Update on February Goals & Randomness

Feeling a bit lazy and unproductive this month. I know I’m making a little progress, just doesn’t feel like it. Haven’t done anything with the Legos I wanted to start working on this month.

Started working on the bedroom. It’s a slow process. Projects within projects are a trip at times especially when unexpected. The closet is where I’m having an issue. Maybe not an issue but I’m going to have my work cut out for me in there.

Started gaming last week, Playing Infamous Second Son, it’s pretty cool. This past weekend I put hella hours into gaming. I like when I get so into a game that I look forward to getting home so I can play it or play before work. I needed this gaming fix.

Put myself on a budget for the next 10 months. It’s a good way to work on my will and discipline (I think those are the words I’m looking for). Not sure if I’m ready for long term goals? What I did do, sort of, is break down the 10 month goal into monthly goals. Mentally, I feel it will work better that way for me.

Just now came up another long term goal. Haven’t figured out how to make it something monthly yet? This past Tuesday, started writing in a new 70 sheet (red) notebook. After about a year and a half of writing, I finished my other 70 sheet notebook (black). Want to finish this red notebook in the next 6 months. I’m going to be writing my ass off if I want to get this notebook done.

On average, I’m writing about 1 side in 20 minutes. I’ll just have to get my creative juices flowing and get them out in the form of words more often than usual.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Randomness in February 2015

***Wrote December 31, 2014***

I really want to go visit a couple of friends in Indiana soon. Haven’t seen one of them in over 10 years and the other in 4 or so. They’ve been down with me for years so I figured I could at least make an appearance. If the weather doesn’t get bad soon, I will go see at least see one of them soon. Then go see the other one in the Spring or sooner.

It’s been a long time since I’ve went to visit someone out of town. That crossed my mind this past Summer while I was doing all that riding out. The places I usually go, I don’t really know anyone that I get down like that with so I don’t stop to visit. Still haven’t been to a big city and walked around downtown at night. As much driving as I do, should’ve been done hit the city.


The spring is coming up real quick. We are being teased with the half decent weather then cold than a mug the next day. I heard the northeast has gotten it bad. 70 plus inches of snow in 3 weeks, that’s wild. We get 2 inches and the bitch comes of folks around here. It’s a good feeling for me to not complain about the weather as much as I used to. It’s going to be cold than a mug tomorrow and I’m not even tripping off it, at all. It’s was like 16 yesterday but it wasn’t bad really.

I’m ready for the nice weather though. The nice breeze, greenery, birds chirping(don’t miss them pooping on my ride though), blue skys with the clouds spread out, the Spring/Summer feel. Man, I’ve had some really good feelings on those days in the past couple of years. I’ll be sure to keep a full tank of gas and some good music on deck so when I get the urge to ride, I’ll out.  

The other day, I posted an Anti-Relationshipism blog. I touched on Valentine’s Day, side pieces and unconditional actions. While I was setting that blog up on my blog page to publish it, felt like I could’ve said more or could’ve wrote it from a different angle but I’m glad I didn’t change it. Now that I think about it, it was perfect for an Anti-Relationshipism blog.

On a more positive view on Valentine’s Day, shout out to the couples that have something genuine together. The ones that struggle at times and as a team, help one another level things out to make what they have continue work. I don’t see that often but I’m not in anyone’s relationship neither. I salute you’ll. In life it seems like the most important things are either hard to get or hard to keep (sometimes both) but you find a find a way when you really want it. No excuses.

I’m planning to do my own taxes this year. Last time I tried to do my own, I had to pay. I figured I did something wrong so I haven’t tried since. Don’t understand how it all works or why “they” don’t take enough out during the year based on the amount you made each pay check. If it goes smoothly, thinking about getting my hustle on next year and doing other folks taxes for a small fee. I won’t hit you like those companies do but it’ll cost ya.


It’s been a long while since I’ve said this, thank you for reading my blogs and my previous blogs. It’s cool to get feedback when I do or just a comment in general on something I said. I’ll have another blog soon, until then, you be cool.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Anti-Relationshipism - February 2015

Valentine’s day will be here in the next few days. There are probably a lot of people looking forward to it and wondering what their lover has planned or people making big plans for it.

Don’t remember ever looking forward to that day? I’m almost afraid to give anybody anything for Valentine’s Day. Don’t want anyone thinking or feeling that I want something just because I was being thoughtful.  

All year long, there are usually a lot of females blabbing out how they are single or just single people out here in general so they probably could use a card or box of chocolates, who knows.

Last month I mentioned how women attach strings to their actions, especially when it’s sexual. The day I enter a relationship, any kind of a relationship, if we did not establish how it’s going to work,

I repeat DO NOT give me shit if it’s not unconditional. Don’t give me any gifts, a ride, advice, sex, money, food, head, pictures, Lego sets, etc etc if you feel I owe you afterwards. If I do owe you, you don’t have to worry about me paying my dues, my credit is great. 

Valentine’s Day has also become “Judgement Day”, from what I’ve heard. There’s a lot of “players” out here today. There are also a lot people being the “side piece”. It’s a lot of weird shit going on today in the world of relationships anymore. As long as you know your roll, it’s cool right?

Hell, some of you don’t even know you’re the side piece or know your partner has a side piece. Sheeeiit, some of y’all partners have a family on the side that you know nothing about. After Feb 14th, you will know or it may be more obvious where you stand, maybe. You may be one of those side pieces that know you’re the side piece and don’t mind. You also may be one of those people how know your partners has a side piece and you’re ok with it. That’s cool if that’s what you on, just continue to know your roll when the 14th rolls around and everything will be ok.

Valentine’s Day “should” be more of an appreciation day for the one(s) who care for you. Not a “what are you going to do for me or get me” day. I can barely stand these greedy, unappreciative, ungrateful “bitches” (females and males) these days. If you are single, treat yourself. Don’t sit around throwing a pity party when you could be sitting around eating a nice meal that you cooked or bought, watching a good movie, sleeping, working or doing whatever by your damn self. It’s ok, you can do this. If that doesn’t work, try treating someone else with something thoughtful. Leave those strings/irrational emotions in your closet or trunk and just enjoy the moment.