My mind has been all
over the place all month from goals to projects to losing my mind to eating.
Definitely should’ve made this a rest month or not set anything in stone. I got
it under control though.
Got 6 days left if I
want to over achieve for the month. Let me see, knocked out the DVD inventory
and plan on doing the blu ray inventory later in the week. Just this morning,
posted a couple of things I wanted to sell on the Fakebook local garage sale
page. Someone bought one of the items just an hour or so ago, excited about
Finished my movie
blogs. After this blog, I’ll need to write two more. I’ll start putting my
Christmas tree up this weekend. Got a lot of gifts wrapped already. Next pay
day, I’ll have my monthly savings goal reached. Got about 20 more songs to add
to my ipod folder.
Do people even use
ipods anymore? I need another ipod or something with more storage besides my
phone. Running out of space real quick.
It’s official, the
game room is going down. Got it in my head how I want it to look. It probably
won’t come out looking that way but it’s still going to do what it do.
Been going pretty
hard this month so whether I finish my goals early or don’t finish them at all,
I’m good with the effect. I can’t see myself not finishing early because I don’t
plan on letting up until they are done. It’s been a good month over here. I’m
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