Saturday, November 22, 2014

It's Cold But It's Cool, Chill Out

Everyone is complaining about how cold it’s been. Me, I’m like whatever. Usually I’d be tripping too but I think about that night it was -42 below. What we’ve experienced so far is considered nice weather. Plus, it’s that time of the year for it to be cold, chilly and eww.

Doesn’t seem like my birthday was a few weeks ago. It came and went fast. Soon Black Friday will be here and gone. Then Christmas, then New Years, then GONE. That’s life for ya.

I’m glad I put that Christmas tree up 4 years ago. I used to get the humbugs during Christmas season. Now a days, that same season is no different than a page in this notebook I write in. It’s blank each day and I write whatever I’m feeling on each line, each day as it gets closer.

I talk so much about how I’m looking forward to Black Friday but I do look forward to eating good too. Mom is a monster in the kitchen. Just asked her if she was making peach cobbler? She said YES!!. If she wasn’t, I’m sure she would’ve baked sweet potato pie so either way, I would be good. Turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, DAMN.

Enjoy your holiday folks. If you start to get the blahs, turn the page and write a new holiday feeling. Do what you want and what you like. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

What You Calling Me For?


Was chilling one day and had a flashback of a time when this guy called me about his girl. When I think about it now, it’s pretty funny. There’s just something about a “man” calling another man up on the phone about his girl. It’s even worse when they text you. They say something soft like “why you talking to my girl” or crack on the name Koolaid.

First of all, who is your girl and who are you? By this time, if I’m not feeling disturbed, I laugh. It just goes to show that man can be just as insecure as females. There was this one guy who called me up late one night, found out he was big time cheater. I guess he felt some kind of way about his “bottom bitch”.

I see it like this, if your respected you, she wouldn’t be meeting new guys. If you weren’t insecure, you wouldn’t have to look through your girls phone. Calling me about your girl will get you laughed at and by the time you get off phone, you’ll be just as insecure as your were before you decided to call me. If

“Don’t kiss, don’t tell, I’m trying to stay clear of being a snitch and away from snitches. That garbage leave a bad smell that seems to linger way longer than I like. I don’t want anything to do with it.

Anyway, if you feel the need to ask around about “yours”, you probably need to go sit and rethink your situation. Try asking your girl and putting some faith in her. Don’t call me about your girl. If your girl and I been cool before you, don’t try to get in the middle of it. That space ain’t built for you.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Update on Setting Goals - November 2014

My mind has been all over the place all month from goals to projects to losing my mind to eating. Definitely should’ve made this a rest month or not set anything in stone. I got it under control though.

Got 6 days left if I want to over achieve for the month. Let me see, knocked out the DVD inventory and plan on doing the blu ray inventory later in the week. Just this morning, posted a couple of things I wanted to sell on the Fakebook local garage sale page. Someone bought one of the items just an hour or so ago, excited about that.

Finished my movie blogs. After this blog, I’ll need to write two more. I’ll start putting my Christmas tree up this weekend. Got a lot of gifts wrapped already. Next pay day, I’ll have my monthly savings goal reached. Got about 20 more songs to add to my ipod folder.

Do people even use ipods anymore? I need another ipod or something with more storage besides my phone. Running out of space real quick.

It’s official, the game room is going down. Got it in my head how I want it to look. It probably won’t come out looking that way but it’s still going to do what it do.

Been going pretty hard this month so whether I finish my goals early or don’t finish them at all, I’m good with the effect. I can’t see myself not finishing early because I don’t plan on letting up until they are done. It’s been a good month over here. I’m out.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Redemption of a Dog - Watching Movies in Nov 2014

Redemption of a Dog: ehh I’m not sure how I feel about this. I think it was more like a live audition show than a movie. A lot of dysfunction in relationships going on. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to watch this.

This was pretty funny. Mike Epps is a fool for reals. I need a good laugh from time to time.

Katt Williams just isn’t funny as he used to be. There were some funny parts but there was times when I felt like I was supposed to be laughing but he wasn’t saying anything funny.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Invitable Defeat of Mister & Pete - Watching Movies in Nov. ' 14

The inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, this movie was ok, a lot better than I thought it would be from watching the first 5 minutes of it. Mister was a trooper. It’s unfortunate that kids have to experience this.

Flight: it was another ok movie. Not one of Denzel’s best movies. I thought it was kind of interesting how he flew the passenger airplane upside down. Having an addiction is serious business especially if it feels like you’re being controlled by it.

Transformers the Movie never gets old. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it. Too bad they didn’t make a part 2, 3 and 4. I’ve probably wrote about this one before. It is my favorite movie.