Thursday, January 16, 2014

That's How I Feel

Experience seems to be a good thing more than it is bad anymore for me, especially my past experiences from years ago. When I think about the bogus stuff I’ve saw or been through, I try to see the positive in it.

Two things that I’ve been apart of in my life during the past couple of years are abuse and disrespect. I actually blogged about how I felt when I was being disrespected. At the time, didn’t realize that I was experiencing abuse also.

There is NOTHING, no friendship, no relationship, no person and no people worth me tolerating their abuse and/or disrespect. I am a man not some bitch, I am a grown man not person that is dependent on you or the next person, I am a person not a thing to be used as you wish to put your baggage on.

For those of you who aren’t aware when you disrespect and/or abuse someone, all bets are off. My reaction might be different for each person or the same, doesn’t matter. You might feel me afterwards, during or never, doesn’t matter. Just know, I will not tolerate it and don’t need/want it in my life.

I am Koolaid “Da BlacGhost” and Koolaid don’t mean sweet and sugary ass dude. Never judge a book by the cover or think just because you can that you should go around treating people like shit. If you just want to be a bully, buy something to punch on like a pillow, heavy bag or something similar. Look in the mirror and talk shit to yourself if you just feel like talking shit.    

For the people who are being abused and disrespected. Ask yourselves, is it worth it? Is this something you want in your life? You have a choice and you should exercise your choice as your choose.   

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Attendance Policy

Usually, an employer will have an attendance policy in place so folks don’t abuse the privilege of being able to call in and still have a job when they came back.

 When you call in to work for the 1st time for whatever reason, your employer says it’s ok.

 You call in a 2nd time within the past month for whatever reason, your employer is semi annoyed because there’s a lot of work that needs to be done and they are short but says ok but warns you of the attendance policy. You say ok.

 You call in a 3rd time within the past 2 months, your employer says ok. You come to work the next day and get wrote up for attendance. You get upset because you feel when “life happens” you don’t have any control of it and everyone is supposed to understand that and excuse you.

 You call in again the next week after the write up. Your employer suspends you with no pay for 3 days. If you call in again within 6 months of the 1st call in, your employment will be terminated. You’re really upset, bitching and confused. You explain to your employer that this and that is going on in your life. Your employer explains to you that this is a business that requires employees to be here when scheduled so the business can run smoothly. If you can’t come to work to do what you were hired to do, why are here? During the interview before you were hired, you stated that you were a good dependable worker and wanted to work. Now that you have work, you don’t want to hold your end of the deal up. Understandable, right?

 This is my issue with it all, I have an understanding of the attendance policy but I also understand that my employer didn’t have to hire me. There’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of a call in but it’s not ok to abuse it.

 I also understand the employee’s side of it. “Life happens”, sometimes that gets in the way of getting to work at times and we need take care of that. I recommend everyone to understand both sides. Then you may understand why one side is not fair in situations. I’d work things around my job so I won’t lose my source of income. If I can’t do that, for whatever reason, I’d find a job that would work around my schedule. Simple solution?

 The moral to the story is, don’t abuse the privilege that another person allows you to have to be a part of their life especially if it’s a good person. We can only put up with so much bullshit and lame excuses. We all need to set standards and stand firm on them. Don’t be mad when a person calls you out, puts their foot down and/or tells you to kick rocks. Who wants someone around that isn’t reliable and disrupts your flow? NOT ME!!