Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Age of Adaline - Watching Movies in November 2015

The Age of Adaline:  This was a pretty decent movie. Different and sort of interesting. More on the chick flick side. It was a woman who didn’t age. It just pretty showed how she long and the hardships(I guess) of her life. It’s kind of long too, I think about 2 hours or so.  If you plan on watching this movie but don’t want to know what happened, skip down to the next movie.

*spoiler alert*

It tripped me out in the movie when her daughter, this really old woman was calling the Adaline momma, who didn’t look a day over 30 years old. One part that stood out to me was when the father of the guy Adaline was with found out who Adaline was. He was at his anniversary trying to express his feelings for his wife of 40 years but he was winging because he was still in love with Adaline. Meaning, his wife of 40 years was just someone he settled for. I think about that when I come across people who have kids or have been married already because they met me. I mean, I’m second choice or just another guy you claim to have all these feelings for but you felt the same way with the last guy, ex-husband, baby daddy(ies), etc.

Jupiter Ascending: This movie was kind of weird. Some of it didn’t really make any sense? The special effects were cool. Everyone in the movie just about had an agenda. Anywho, overall, they movie was ok. One of those movies to see if you don’t have anything else to watch. It has some action for the folks that are into that and a little love for those who you like that.

Mad Max: Fury Road: This movie was crazy as hell. Haven’t watched a Mad Max movie in forever so I don’t remember the plot of the Mad Max movies back in the day but I don’t remember who the characters looked crazy, the waste land scene, just weird shit. In this newer movie, it’s the same crazy wicked wtf shit going. I mean, this movie was way out. A gang of albino baldheaded looking dudes running around, big women with breast pumps, the leader looked like the Predator, boi I tell ya. The part the always had me laughing was the guy hanging from the front of the vehicle playing the guitar.

SMH, I don’t even know why it had me rolling. This movie, I don’t even know how to rate it really. It wasn’t good or bad, just different. It’s like one of those movies you have to watch when you’re on drugs. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Focus - Watching Movies in October 2015

Well folks I’m back!!??!! Don’t know for how long but I am here. I’ll probably be watching a handful of movies in the next 3 weeks. Started renting from the video store again for a little while.  

Focus: This came out in theater earlier this year and I wanted to see but didn’t get around to it. If it weren’t for the ending, this movie would’ve been just OK. I liked the tricky and mind games though, they were pretty cool. This main chick was a cutie. Will Smith usually plays in some pretty good movies.

Project Almanac: This seemed like a spin-off of Butterfly Effect. It was pretty cool though. More on the fun side than anything else. I use to really be into time travel until Butterfly Effect came out. Change my whole thought process when I came to wanting to go back and change things. This is one of those if you don’t have anything else to watch, check this out kind of movie.

Insurgent: I wanted to watch the first movie of this series again before watching this one so I could remember what was going on but didn’t do that. I didn’t like this one. The first movie Divergent, was interesting and different. This one was blah. There were some cool scenes like when the chick was in the simulation fighting herself.

Get Hard: Ehh, there was some funny parts but I wasn’t feeling this movie at all. It was stupid. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Randomness in July - Setting Goals in July 2015

Getting a late start on the blogging this month. Haven’t really wrote much, been keeping my thoughts to myself since Father’s Day. Not waving a white flag though, I got more to say to you single parents. I’ll try to wrap that up this month and get it posted. There is a thin line between a perfect world and the real world in some people minds.  

It’s the half way mark for the year, 6 months and 6 days into 2015. This year has been ok for the most part so far. Been in my feelings real tough and some folks were on the opposite end of my non filtered mouth. I see it like this, you should’ve listened to me when I brought the issue to your attention the first time, that’s your fault.

The 4th of July was ok, nothing big happened. Usually, I’m kind of bummed out on the 4th. This year, I noticed a handful of other people bummed out. The one thing I know some of them had in common was they were alone? Maybe they were just lonely? I was only around people for maybe a hour or so, don’t feel too bad, I was by myself too.

What’s up with the arrogance in females these days? That shit is ridiculous. They walking around here feeling like they are owed so much. If females are owed something, men are owed for just having to deal with y’all. I’m just saying, what the men going to get? That's what I thought. Where’s the logic to support the reasoning behind their thoughts?

For those who just got in their feelings because I said “females” and you took it like I’m talking about all females, well, I didn’t say every single last female, did I? Like I said where’s the logic? I can’t speak for everyone but I don’t owe you or the next chick shit. I want 50 million dollars and I want it asap. Doesn’t mean I’m owed it, just means I better get to work and figure out how to get it.

I haven’t really been keeping up with the news much. I haven’t been for years. I’m turned off by all the opinions and lack of logic people have. The media got y’all brainwashed and controls your thoughts. Just seems like the media puts out gossip and the people eat it up like it’s the last meal. You can’t read into everything that’s in the news.  

7th month, 7th goals. Sticking with the same goals I had last mouth except the food for thought post. Added couple of projects to my goal list this month that I’ve already knocked out for the month. Keeping it simple until I get focused on knocking these goals out like I'd like to. Been struggling focusing on what I have to do but I’ll get it right one day.

Let me see, what else? I guess that’s it for now. Haven’t been watching a lot of movies lately. Watching season 3 of Orange is the New Black, not feeling it at all. I didn’t think there would be a season 3 after that disappointing season 2. Maybe this season will get better? I also started watching A Different World, that’s so old school. I’m out…

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Love & Hip Hop - Watching Movies in June 2015

I’m caught up to the latest Love & Hip Hop series finally. This show makes you want to know what’s going to happen next, even though it’s mostly drama. While I was watching season 5 of the New York series, I was debating on writing this long drawn out blog about each character, similar to what I’ve done in the past but the more I watched, the more I realized that it would take way too long. Too much going on, too much drama, just too much.

Love & Hip Hop New York – Season 5: This season wasn’t too bad. It was a lot better than the Hollywood season. In the previous NY season, I thought the Pete Gunns situation with his baby momma and wife was stupid but this season, I felt bad for them all.

Rich Dollars, definitely a “creep”. He was bogus for sleeping with his guy’s ex. Not sure what Erica was on this season but she was arrogant, wasn’t feeling her too much. I dig Yandy, don’t think she handled the situation with assistant well. Diamond Strawberry, she’s nuts. Chrissy, she was a whole lot of woman but wasn’t feeling her face or how she was trying to run the relationship with her guy.

Overall, this season was decent. I’m finding the New York series is a lot better than the Atlanta season.

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta - Season 4: Just started watching this season, it’s kind of boring so far. I’m 4 episodes in.  I may just wait until the season is over before I continue watching so I don’t have to wait a week to watch each episode.